Monday, August 4, 2008

New Ukulele Club

Here's a shameless plug for a new ukulele club in North East England, called the Stockton to Darlington Ukulele Express it started on 24th July 2008 which I attended. Only five of us initially, but I'm sure it will grow.

Here's the info :-
The Stockton to Darlington Ukulele Express is a Ukulele club in the North East of England for Ukulele players of all abilities.

The venue is upstairs at the Darlington Railway Institute Club in Darlington, postcode DL1 2PP (click for google map), across Whessoe Rd is B&Q.

The meetings are currently held every three to four weeks. Check our Google group for the date of the next meeting

Contact Simon Brown for further details.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I'm Doctor Sparkles. I'm a ukulele artist, and I wanted to let everyone know that I host a monthly ukulele cabaret in San Francisco. It's called the Jumping Flea Circus. Admission is free. Audience is friendly. Standout performances are posted online. Check it out on MYSPACE ( and YOUTUBE ( and come and play next time you're in the San Francisco Bay Area.

BTW, I've just released a new album of original swing music. I used a ukulele to conduct my swing band to recreate humanity's tail, which I have entitled: Monkey Swing Monkey Doo. I believe you'll enjoy the way it reflects upon our lively origins, our enlightened potential and our capacity to love & express ourselves through such artforms as flinging poo at the zoo. It's kind of a hybrid of David Bowie and Cab Calloway, sort of a Ukulele Ike meets George Formby in Space... and it's got a beat that any primate can swing to.

Making Light of Self,
Doctor Sparkles